Reducing the impact and incidence of spinal cord injuries in Australia
Realising you are never going to walk again is not something you can prepare for. The impacts are far reaching and extend beyond the physical injury, to emotional and financial challenges.
At PBF Australia, we have already thought about your future. We are a membership-based organisation, offering crucial financial protection in the unfortunate event of a permanent spinal cord injury. We seek to reduce the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury in Australia through our spinal cord injury prevention and peer support programs.
Headquartered in Perth and Brisbane, PBF Australia provides spinal cord injury protection to over 55,000 members nationwide and employs more than 45 people living with permanent spinal cord injury.
Protect. Prevent. Support.
Financial protection
From a logistical perspective, major adjustments are required to your home, vehicle, and workplace to enable you to maintain your independence after a spinal cord injury. In addition, rehabilitation and ongoing daily living costs continue to exist and grow. For a little more than $1 per week, PBF Australia members who sustain a permanent spinal cord injury are eligible to claim a member benefit of $250,000.

Injury prevention
At PBF Australia, we aim to reduce the number of people becoming permanently paralysed each year due to spinal cord injury. We have developed award winning Injury Prevention programs that aim to reduce the incidence of serious injury at work, and at play. Every year our workplace, aqua, road and youth injury prevention programs reach thousands of Australians. Learn more about our injury prevention programs cross Australia.

Peer support
At PBF Australia we help ease the impact of a spinal cord injury. From working with patients in the initial weeks and months of their injury, to providing financial assistance and employment opportunities – we help those living with paraplegia and quadriplegia get the most out of life.
Learn more about our Peer Support and Gifting programs.